How to make flower of salt at home step by step and correctly

Making flower of salt is a simple step that we can easily get at home. All we need is a good raw material and the necessary tools to achieve it.

Making flower of salt step by step will allow us to season our food dishes in an easy and natural way.

flower of salt
Photo Pixabay

This natural delicacy can be prepared at home and always be ready for action.

Since the kitchens of France this ingredient began to come to life more than 20 years ago and is being one of the most used to crown culinary delights.

Making the most of the flower of salt is much easier than it looks, we just need to make a good raw material and follow the precise steps. Take note of how to make flower of salt at home.

Materials to make flower of salt

  • Sea water
  • Glass jar
  • Tray

Steps to make flower of salt step by step

  1. For this simple recipe we will need sea water. Flor de sal is pure salt essence obtained directly from the sea. It is not necessary to resort to expensive processes, we just need a good base to get the best raw material for our kitchen.
  2. We are going to treat the sea water, put it to boil for a few minutes to disinfect it and eliminate any bacteria or element they may have. Two minutes will be more than enough to get it.
  3. Let's pour the boiled water on a tray. We will let it rest in the sun, part of the liquid will have to evaporate. When we have the raw material ready, we will put the tray directly in the refrigerator so that the water can be eliminated.
  4. We put the tray one whole night in the fridge. If everything goes according to plan, the time to get the flower of salt will have occurred. On the layer of the tray you will have created a layer of glass fabric.
  5. As the water evaporates, only the salt will remain. This ingredient is one of the purest that exist, will be the basis of the flower of salt. With the help of a fork we take that crystalline cloth with a fork. Those little pieces will end up being the flower of salt.
  6. Let's carefully place them in a glass jar. We can keep the flower of salt and keep it as long as necessary. The colour of this flower will depend to a large extent on the concentration of minerals in the area from which the seawater has been extracted. It is one of the surprises of this ingredient that will be perfectly delimited by this process.

Dare to get a flower of salt at home that will dress all your dishes and dreams. Naturally crowns those light and delicious roasts.

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