Griffonia, the seeds of mental well-being

Content (Click to view)
  2. What is griffonia?
  3. Benefits and virtues
    1. Depression, anxiety
    2. Night terrors
  4. Nutritional Composition
  5. The benefits of griffonia
    1. Reduces stress and fights depression
    2. Restores and improves sleep
    3. Relieves Migraines
    4. Relieves the pain of fibromyalgia
    5. Regulates appetite
  6. How do you eat griffonia?
    1. Eating Griffonia seeds
    2. Why choose organic griffonia?
    3. Griffonia Pills
    4. Griffonia Powder
    5. Griffonia in the mother tincture
    6. Griffonia and Rhodiola
  7. Griffonia Dosage
  8. Contraindications and side effects
  9. Effects
  10. History, culture and market of taps
    1. Other Options:
  11. You may be interested:


  • Reduces stress and fights depression
  • Restores and improves sleep
  • Relieves Migraines
  • Relieves the pain of fibromyalgia
  • Regulates appetite

Photo Dominika Roseclay in Pexels

What is griffonia?

Native to West and Central Africa, the Griffonia is a climbing plant belonging to the family of Fabaceae or legumes, such as kudzu.

While there are four different varieties of griffonia, it is the griffonia simplicifolia (also called Bandeiraea simplicifolia Benth) that has the most virtues and interests us here.

Griffonia grows mainly in the tropical forests and savannas of Ghana, Gabon, Côte d'Ivoire and Togo. It has the shape of a vine that, when wrapped around the trees, can reach up to 3 m in height.

In winter, after having produced green flowers, it is decorated with black pods containing between three and seven seeds each.

Griffonia has been an integral part of African traditional medicine for over 3000 years. All parts of the plant are edible.

Men consume the stems and roots as chewing sticks to promote nervous and physical balance. It is also used in cooking for its high protein content.

From the 1980s, the griffonia makes its great appearance in Europe. Scientists introduced its first active ingredient, the animated acid 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan), present in large quantities in its seeds.

5-HTP is a natural precursor of serotonin, the happiness hormone, and plays an essential role in the nervous system. It has also been found that griffonia seeds are rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

Today, griffonia is used as a dietary supplement (tablets, capsules, powder or mother tincture) to combat stress, depression, migraines and sleep disorders. But it is also useful for weight loss and to relieve the pain of fibromyalgia.

Benefits and virtues

Depression, anxiety

Griffonia owes its action on mood to hydroxytryptophan (5HTP), a precursor of serotonin, also known as the "happiness hormone".

Serotonin plays a major role in morale, serenity and emotional balance, and its deficiency is believed to be one of the causes of depression and anxiety.

A 1998 study1 confirms that a 5HTP-based treatment is effective for the treatment of depression.

Griffonia is therefore an excellent alternative to chemical antidepressants and their numerous side effects (dry mouth, loss of libido...).

Griffonia can also be offered as a substitute treatment for addiction to anxiolytics or antidepressants.

Night terrors

This was demonstrated in a study conducted in Rome in 20042 in 45 children aged 3-10 years, which concluded that 5HTP treatment is able to modulate the level of wakefulness in children and promote long-term improvement of sleep terrors.

Nutritional Composition

  • Amino acids
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic acid, oleic acid
  • Saturated fatty acids: stearic acid, palmitic acid
  • Active compounds: 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) amino acid, alkaloids, griffin, rhodamine, isolectin B4
  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins
  • Mineral salts
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates

The benefits of griffonia

Reduces stress and fights depression

Also known as oxytriptan, the 5-HTP contained in griffonia seeds is synthesized in the body through tryptophan, an essential amino acid. Initially dissolved in the liver, 5-HTP gradually moves to the brain through the bloodstream.

5-HTP is a natural precursor of serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone. After crossing the blood-brain barrier, 5-HTP is converted into serotonin by the action of the enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase.

Serotonin is involved in nerve balance and influences the level of cortisol, the stress hormone. Because it becomes the "happiness hormone", the 5-HTP in Griffonia is therefore interesting for calming the nervous system, fighting stress and anxiety, depression, nervousness and anxiety.

In this it has similar properties to cocoa, ashwagandha, rhodiola or ginkgo biloba.

In this study from the Jagiellonian University School of Medicine, the scientists listed plants of interest in the prevention and treatment of depression.

Because of its 5-HTP content, griffonia is a natural part of this, along with rhodiola, St. John's wort or panax ginseng.

Restores and improves sleep

The 5-HTP of the griffonia is not only involved in regulating mood: it also affects sleep by restoring the body's biological clock.

Therefore, Griffonia is recommended to regain a deep and restful sleep in the long term. It reduces sleep time (i.e. the transition phase between wakefulness and sleep), improves the quality and duration of sleep, reduces insomnia and nighttime anxiety.

If griffonia is so effective, it is because it acts on serotonin, which is involved in the regulation of sleep, but also on another important hormone in the body: melatonin. Also called "sleep hormone", it is secreted by the pineal gland (located in the brain) during the night and at night.

However, 5-HTP increases the body's production of melatonin, which is beneficial for regulating sleep cycles and for falling asleep.

This scientific article reveals that the administration of 5-HTP has been shown to be effective in the treatment of insomnia.

Relieves Migraines

Several studies have shown the anti-migraine action of griffonia. Once again, the plant owes its action to the 5-HTP it contains.

Insufficient production of serotonin by the body can cause migraines. By regulating serotonin production, 5-HTP in the tap reduces the intensity and duration of headaches.

It is therefore interesting to associate griffonia with ginkgo biloba which, by increasing cerebral blood flow, also helps to relieve migraines.

In this study of 180 migraine patients, 5-HTP was almost as effective as methysergide (a drug used to treat migraines) in preventing the attack.

Relieves the pain of fibromyalgia

The action of griffonia on the pains of fibromyalgia (muscle and joint pain, stiffness ...) is often misunderstood.

People with fibromyalgia often have low levels of serotonin. For this reason, antidepressants are commonly prescribed because of their action on this neurotransmitter.

By increasing the production of serotonin, griffonia can help alleviate the symptoms of fibromyalgia, both mentally and physically.

In this study at the L. Sacco Hospital in Milan, conducted on 50 patients with fibromyalgia, all the symptoms studied improved significantly with 5-HTP treatment.

Regulates appetite

Griffonia does not act as an appetite suppressant, it is an appetite regulator. Thanks to its beneficial action on the nervous system, Griffonia's 5-HTP alleviates the feeling of lack and psychic dependence. Symptoms that often appear in cases of obesity and eating disorders such as bulimia.

Because it regulates appetite, faucet can help with weight loss.

This study from La Sapienza University in Rome, conducted on obese patients, shows that the intake of 5-HTP resulted in significant weight loss.

How do you eat griffonia?

Eating Griffonia seeds

In phytotherapy, all parts of Griffonia simplicifolia are interesting. The root, the leaves, the bark, the flowers and even the stem are rich in active ingredients. But it is in the seeds of the Griffonia that we find the highest concentration of 5-HTP: up to 15%!

That is why it is better to favour products obtained from Griffonia seeds to fully enjoy the benefits of the plant.

Why choose organic griffonia?

As with most plants and super foods, it is always best to choose an organically grown plant.

This ensures that there are no pesticide or chemical herbicide residues in the final product. Organic labels also prohibit ionization (or irradiation) of plants.

Griffonia-based dietary supplements can be easily found in pharmacies, organic and health food stores, and on the Internet.

Griffonia Pills

Griffonia tablets or capsules contain powder obtained after drying and grinding the seeds. It is the most common and easiest form to take.

To get the most out of Griffonia, check the percentage of active ingredients in the product. Tablets or capsules must be titrated at least 15% in 5-HTP.

Griffonia Powder

Pure griffonia powder is more difficult to find than tablets or capsules. Most of the time it is mixed in a liquid: water, fruit juice, vegetable milk...

But griffonia powder is generally less concentrated in 5-HTP.

Griffonia in the mother tincture

The mother tincture of Griffonia is obtained by hydroalcoholic maceration not of the seeds but of the whole plant.

It is a concentrated form of 5-HTP and easy to administer, but has the disadvantage that it contains a lot of alcohol.

Griffonia and Rhodiola

Rhodiola root acts in synergy with griffonia

Griffonia has an excellent synergy with Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea). Also called "golden root", this plant is adaptogenic and is a powerful natural antidepressant.

It helps the body to overcome stress and its symptoms, reduces fatigue and rebalances the nervous system. Like griffonia, rhodiola also plays a role in serotonin.

Therefore, the griffonia/rodiole combination is ideal for enhancing the beneficial effects of griffonia and restoring mental well-being.

In addition, taking vitamin B6 reinforces the effect of the griffonia and contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Griffonia Dosage

The recommended dose of griffonia is between 500 and 1200 mg per day. Of course, it should be adjusted according to your needs and the 5-HTP titration of the product.

Also take full advantage of the benefits of the griffonia in sleep, the catches should be made at the end of the day, 2 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, divide the captures in 3 times during the day.

You can also consume griffonia in the form of a cure for 1 to 3 months to act deeply on depression and its symptoms. Every two weeks, stop taking it for a few days before resuming the cure.

It is always advisable to seek medical advice before starting to cure Griffonia.

In tablet form: up to 3 per day for 400 mg tablets or capsules

Powder: 1 level teaspoon per day (about 1 g)

Mother Tincture: 25 drops, 3 times a day

Contraindications and side effects

The consumption of griffonia has certain contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended for the following people:

  • As a precaution, young children and pregnant or nursing women should avoid taking it.
  • In the case of hormonal contraception, it is best to seek medical advice before taking the tap.
  • Griffonia is contraindicated for people with epilepsy who are taking antidepressants or other medications for stress, anxiety or depression.

The Griffonia is a plant with rare and benign side effects, which has the advantage of not causing addiction. The most frequent side effects are the following:

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  • Intestinal disorders.
  • Nausea.
  • Sleepiness.
  • Loss of appetite.

To avoid these side effects, it is important to start with small doses to give the body time to get used to them. If no symptoms occur, increase the doses gradually.

History, culture and market of taps

Griffonia is an African medicinal plant, consumed by both humans and livestock. All parts are used: leaves, branches, sap, seeds...

The smaller branches of the griffonia, for example, are chewed to strengthen the gums. The leaves are applied to the skin to treat burns and wounds.

Griffonia leaves are also used as animal feed. They are chewed by goats and cows to strengthen their bodies and improve reproduction. In the savannah, Griffonia plants are also used by grazing animals.

Other Options:

You can also get digital health manuals on this topic at Amazon, WalMart, Costco, Sams Club, Chedraui, Carrefour, aliexpress, alibaba , MercadoLibre , Lidl, Aldi shein or ebay. Each of these manuals can be found in great online offers.

In big seasons they offer big discounts on health supplements.

In addition, you can find free health apps from Google Play or in the App Store.

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