How to prevent Alzheimer's disease
Prevention of certain risk factors can reduce the danger of Alzheimer's disease: a healthy lifestyle, sport, a healthy diet, etc. Find out how to get all the weapons on your side.
Photo Andrea Piacquadio in Pexels
Cardiovascular Prevention
Cardiovascular factors are risk factors for dementia in the elderly.
Therefore, diabetics and former stroke victims are twice as likely to develop the disease.
Thus, the detection and treatment of risk factors such as cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes or smoking are useful against cardiovascular diseases, but also against vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Another similarity with cardiovascular diseases is that several studies suggest the existence of an inflammatory response during Alzheimer's disease.
It has been observed that rheumatic patients who have taken large amounts of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
It should be noted, however, that these retrospective data (obtained through post-hoc interviews) were not confirmed by prospective studies (follow-up of two groups, one of which would take NSAIDs and the other not).
Food hygiene could also play a role.
Several epidemiological studies have shown that too low plasma omega-3 concentrations are a risk factor for several types of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease.
Therefore, it is advisable to avoid deficiencies of omega-3 fatty acids, in particular linolenic acid (ALA) α and the protective potential of these lipids, which are supposed to be able to modulate brain inflammation.
In addition, other studies have pointed out the interest of a Mediterranean (or Cretan) diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, bread, cereals, fish, nuts, olive oil and smaller amounts of red meat and saturated fatty acids.
Fight against oxidative stress
It is believed that free radicals produced by cell metabolism may be involved in Alzheimer's disease.
The use of antioxidant substances during the course of the disease is one avenue being explored.
But the results are expected, in particular regarding the interest of omega-3, Ginkgo biloba and the association of vitamin E and selenium.
Staying active
Maintain lifelong brain activity (reading, board games, radio and television).
Physical activity (leisure, sports...) and a wide social network may also protect against the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
It is both the intensity and the variety of intellectual activities that would be at the origin of a protective effect.
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