Irritable bowel syndrome : the best natural solutions

Content (Click to view)
  1. How to Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturally
    1. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): A Difficult to Identify Disorder
    2. Irritable bowel, even mysterious causes
    3. Do certain foods aggravate irritable bowel syndrome?
  2. The drugs have limited efficacy in treating pain.
    1. Perform a self-massage of the belly to ease the pain.
  3. Opt for mint essential oil
    1. What are its benefits?
  4. Osteopathy to relieve digestive discomfort
    1. What are its benefits?
  5. Probiotics, as an in-depth treatment, to restore the intestinal flora
  6. Practice hypnosis, to fight stress and limit the appearance of symptoms.
    1. What are the benefits of this technique?
    2. At what pace should we practice?
  7. Sophrology to tame pain
    1. How can sophrology be useful?
    2. At what pace should we practice?
  8. You may be interested:

How to Cure Irritable Bowel Syndrome Naturally

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, also known as IBS (or functional colopathy), is characterized by episodes of constipation alternating with episodes of diarrhea.

irritable bowel

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

It manifests itself differently in each patient and its origins are still difficult to discern.

That's why it's sometimes complicated to treat it. Although some medications can alleviate symptoms, natural methods have also proven effective.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): A Difficult to Identify Disorder

The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are multiple and often disrupt the quality of daily life.

Abdominal pain, discomfort, bloating, traffic disorders (diarrhea or constipation, sometimes alternating)... if these symptoms have lasted for more than six months and disable you at least three days a month, you are likely to have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Irritable bowel, even mysterious causes

"At least 5% of the French population, and especially women, are concerned," says Professor Jean-Marc Sabaté, a gastroenterologist at Louis-Mourier Hospital in Colombes (92).

The causes of IBS remain a mystery. We only know that in 15 to 20% of cases, IBS appears after severe gastroenteritis (more than five days) and more often in people with an anxiety profile.

But other hypotheses are being explored: digestive hypersensitivity, changes in the intestinal flora (all the bacteria in the intestine), abnormalities in pain control...

Stress aggravates the symptoms. Serious studies have shown the value of hypnosis in patients with IBS. "After two or three sessions, an improvement of the visceral digestive sensitivity is observed, in a quite prolonged way", explains Pr Sabaté.

Do certain foods aggravate irritable bowel syndrome?

Patients often accuse certain foods such as raw vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers), cabbage or celery... "But we have never had scientific proof that a food triggers the disease.

That's why we recommend patients not to exclude too much food and to eat what they like and not to worry," explains Prof. Sabaté.

It is known, however, that high-fiber foods can aggravate swelling and pain in people with IBS.

Certain foods are particularly targeted. This is the case of gluten and lactose: they aggravate the symptoms in some patients. Testing will help distinguish between gluten or lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.

Industrial sugars, whose fructose and sweeteners accentuate swelling and gas. Therefore, it is better to limit their consumption.

The drugs have limited efficacy in treating pain.

For now, antispasmodics help control pain during seizures.

Mild laxatives for constipation and, in the case of diarrhea, slow-moving laxatives may be indicated as needed. More rarely, some antidepressants are prescribed.

But then, what should we think of probiotics?

These bacteria or yeasts that can exert a beneficial health effect after ingestion look promising. "Human studies of certain strains have been associated with a reduction in symptoms.

But probiotics are not, at the moment, more effective than the treatments available," says Prof. Sabaté.

In addition, phytotherapy or meditation would help combat the abdominal pain associated with this syndrome.

Perform a self-massage of the belly to ease the pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen is often related to excessive fermentation that causes swelling in the colon.

"A self-massage of the belly increases the motility of the colon and helps the progression of these painful gases, but also the progression of the stools," says Dr. Martine Cotinat, a gastroenterologist.

It should follow the path of the colon, with a gentle movement pressing with sufficient force, for example with two thumbs or three fingers of one hand, flat. Standing or lying down, try to relax the stomach.

Start from the lower abdomen on the right, move your fingers up to below the ribs and then make a transversal movement towards the lower part of the ribs on the left, go down the left side to the lower abdomen.

As soon as it hurts, you do this movement at least four or five times. To make it more comfortable, you can use a few drops of vegetable oil, possibly with an essential oil.

Opt for mint essential oil

What are its benefits?

"The essential oil of mint has antispasmodic properties, relaxes the muscles of the intestine and colon, and reduces pain. In addition, it is anti-inflammatory and improves digestion," explains pharmacist Fabienne Millet.

Its use is recognized by the World Health Organization. In 2014, a review of studies also confirmed its superior efficacy to a placebo in relieving abdominal pain and all symptoms.

  • The essential oil of mint is effective around 200 to 250 mg per day, or 2 drops diluted in a teaspoon of vegetable oil, three times a day during meals.
  • Better yet, enteric coated capsules, prepared by the pharmacist, which release their contents into the intestine. Take it for one to four days in case of painful spasms.

"The essential oil of mint is effective, but it must be used with the opinion of a specialist because, in high doses, it can promote heartburn," says Dr. Martine Cotinat. So it is better to use it diluted to 10 or 15%, in the massage.

Osteopathy to relieve digestive discomfort

What are its benefits?

By restoring harmony between the colon and its neighboring organs, osteopathy can alleviate functional colopathy. The visceral massages it offers can alleviate functional intestinal disorders and improve biliary disorders.

Osteopathy is based on the principle that everything comes from circulation: through gentle gestures, pressure and slight turns, the practitioner loosens the points of attachment and tension, so that fluids, particularly blood, circulate better.

Improvement is rapid. Count on one or two sessions to relieve pain, spaced three weeks to a month apart.

A session costs between 50 and 100 euros (not reimbursed if the practitioner is not a doctor). To find a reliable professional, consult the Registre des ostéopathes de France.

Probiotics, as an in-depth treatment, to restore the intestinal flora

In the vast majority of patients with colon pain, there is an imbalance in the intestinal flora, with either too much or too little bacteria present.

Therefore, probiotics in certain foods, such as yogurt, may be beneficial.

"These living microorganisms can help restore balance and relieve all symptoms.

But beware, in some cases they can increase the severity of the swelling or pain. In these cases, another solution must be found," says Dr. Cotinat. Always consult a health professional before including them in your diet.

Two products have been the subject of clinical studies demonstrating their efficacy on abdominal pain and digestive disorders: Ibsium (Lesaffre) and Lactibiane Reference (Pilèje).

"They should be used every day as a month-long treatment, then as a maintenance treatment, for example one capsule twice a week, because probiotics do not restore the flora permanently," says the gastroenterologist.

If there is no improvement after 10 or 15 days, do not hesitate to try another product with different strains, as the results are very variable.

Practice hypnosis, to fight stress and limit the appearance of symptoms.

What are the benefits of this technique?

Stress, intensity and the appearance of symptoms are closely related. "The more you treat stress, the more you avoid overly strict diets.

Many methods help (meditation, yoga, qi gong...), but hypnosis is the most scientifically studied," says Dr. Cotinat.

The Inserm report on the effectiveness of hypnosis, published in 2015, confirms its interest in reducing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

At what pace should we practice?

A minimum of three sessions is required. The hypnotherapist works to release and loosen tensions in the body, especially in the abdomen, through breathing and visualization exercises.

It also shows self-hypnosis exercises, to be used alone.

A session costs between 50 and 150 euros (not reimbursed if the professional is not a doctor).

More and more physicians, especially gastroenterologists, are being trained in this technique. To find a trusted professional, consult the National Union of Hypnotherapists directory.

Sophrology to tame pain

How can sophrology be useful?

This relaxation technique allows those who practice it regularly to gradually control the pain associated with this chronic pathology.

Its effectiveness has not yet been scientifically proven, but experience in the field shows its interest, according to experts.

It also acts against stress, helps improve self-esteem and can help regulate intestinal motility in cases of constipation.

At what pace should we practice?

The ideal is to spend a few minutes every day. It is better to start with a professional.

Breathing exercises are not for everyone. Allow a minimum of five sessions to begin managing the disease well with this technique. One session, alone, costs between 40 and 65 euros, a little less in a group.

Certain dietary reflexes also help to naturally relieve the pain associated with IBS:

  • They favor soluble fibers (found in oranges, grapefruits, carrots, potatoes, etc.)
  • Limit the fats that would increase the hypersensitivity of the digestive tract

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