What is Twitter & Social Networking - Tips and Examples

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  1. What is Twitter
  2. Examples:
  3. How can Twitter help your company or brand?
    1. This may interest you

What is Twitter

What is Twitter? It is a mixture of social networking and electronic messaging for sharing short messages with a network of friends.

Part of its success is due to the integration of its services to use other tools that you can install on your computer.

What is Twitter

Twitter is a free web application for microblogging that combines the benefits of blogs, social networks and instant messaging. This new form of communication allows users to be in real time contact with people of similar interests through short text messages.

The idea of Twitter is very simple, it is to inform all of your friends and the world of what you do at each moment. Much of what they define as microblogging or nanoblogging as well equals the updating of a blog with very small entries.

There are people, which take interest to be present in this world..and perhaps this "twitter" will be an opportunity to do it, a new community of "bloggers" , to make "friends."

The registered users on Twitter send and receive updates from other users by means of short messages that do not exceed 140 characters, via the web, mobile phone, instant messenger or through electronic email.

An example of the messages can be of distinct nature, some examples arrange in series, the favorite film that was seen in the cinema, describe listening to a favorite artist, write a joke etc. and all arranged in 140 characters.


#jokes Why did Hulk's wife leave him? Because she wanted a more mature man... #Mex

#Quotes Family faces are magic mirrors. Looking at people who belong to us, we see the past, present, and future. #Phrases #Followback

#DidYouKnow Europa, the moon of Jupiter, is completely covered by ice. #TeamFollowBack

Twitter is for showing ideas that one wants to share with the global community, if the messages that you put unite a lot of people of different nationalities they will follow you.

How can Twitter help your company or brand?

  1. It can inform people of your new products or services.
  2. It helps to generate traffic to your more recent posts.
  3. You can respond to your customers directly and easily.
  4. Promotion of events that your business organizes or brands in a fast and effective manner.
  5. Maintaining contact with your target audience and your presence in the social networks
  6. Increasing your Twitter followers and thus increasing the coverage of your tweets.
  7. Keeping yourself current with the news of your group following the tweets and related users with your group.

Integrate Twitter with the rest of your social network.

For example, integrate Twitter with your Facebook wall so that each tweet you make also publishes on your business page wall.

Broadcast the trademark of your business through the Twitter background (o fondo) of the enterprise.

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