What foods are the richest in fiber?
What foods are high in fiber
Dietary fiber is the edible part of a plant that cannot be digested or absorbed in the small intestine and reaches the large intestine intact.
Photo Keegan Evans in Pexels
They help prevent constipation by increasing the weight of the stool and reducing the time it passes through the bowel.
The question remains which foods have them most. Here are the top 10... sometimes surprising.
The National Agency for Food Safety (Anses) recommends consuming between 25 and 30 g of fiber per day.
Spices, a high fiber food
In his "Ciqual Chart," he listed the fiber suppliers. A content calculated in grams per 100 g of food. In order, cinnamon is the richest food in fiber with 43.5 g per 100 g. Yes, almost half of its weight.
The next one:
- the coriander seed with 41.90 g;
- meloukhia in powder with 40 g; this plant, also called corète, is reduced in powder and enters in the preparation of a homonymous dish, typically Tunisian;
- the curry powder with 33.20 g;
- chicory powder with a fibre content of 29.20 g ;
- unsweetened chocolate powder with 28.70 g;
- the thyme with 27,80 g;
- ground black pepper (26,50 g) ;
- coffee (21,20 g) ;
- the dried potato chip with 19.30 g (this is unripe, crushed durum wheat).
Eat 30 g of fiber per day
As you may have noticed, the foods that contain more fiber are not the ones we consume in greater quantity.
In fact, cinnamon, curry or pepper are generally used to sprinkle a dish.
Under these conditions it is difficult to achieve the recommended nutritional values.
Therefore, it is preferable to resort to less abundant foods but that, to the extent that they are ingested in greater quantity, allow to approach more easily the 30 g required.
Oil seeds, vegetables, fresh fruit, wholemeal bread...
For example, according to the Ciqual Table, fortified breakfast cereals provide 15 g of fibre per 100 g (compared to 9 g for oat flakes or an average of 7 g for muesli).
The coconut is not far away with 14.4 g. Followed by almonds and dark chocolate with over 70% cocoa (12.6 g).
Then come the dried peanuts and figs (11.4 g), the cooked split peas (10.6 g), the passion fruit (10.4 g).
Note that vegetables in general (red beans or cooked lentils) are not misclassified with 7 g.
Like wholemeal bread. White bread, on the other hand, contains half of what is needed. Finally, fresh fruit contains between 3.5 g and 7.5 g.
The Gariguette strawberry, a cross between the Belrubi and Favette varieties The highly appreciated Gariguette strawberry variety was obtained at the INRA by crossing the Belrubi and Favette varieties in 1976 © YannGarPhoto - CC by-nc 2.0
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