What is science?

Content (Click to view)
  1. What is science?
  2. Scientific method
  3. Introduction To Science
    1. Steps of the scientific method
    2. The observation
    3. The second
    4. What is science?
    5. Scientific method
    6. More: Scientific method.
    7. Types of sciences
    9. social Sciences
  4. Types of sciences
    1. What is Science?
    2. You may be interested:

What is science?

Science (in Latin scientia, de scire, which means "to know"), is the set of systematic knowledge about nature, the beings that compose it, the phenomena that occur in it and the laws that govern these phenomena.

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Science is a faculty of man that allows him to find explanations for the phenomena studied and answers to the questions raised about specific events.

These by means of a set of ideas that can be provisional, because, with the activity of continuous search and the effort of men and women, these explanations can vary and constitute a new knowledge.

By means of a scientific method, science can gather its established knowledge, this is only a way or means organized to reach a certain objective.

Scientific method

It is necessary to use the appropriate instruments for the knowledge to be valid.

As we said, to obtain new knowledge, science uses what is known as the scientific method (enter the link to expand the topic), which involves a series of steps that are necessary to achieve scientific knowledge.

For this, it is necessary to use the appropriate instruments so that the knowledge is valid. This method, or steps to be followed by the researcher, should always be explained and detailed throughout the research, so that its recipients know it and can judge the results obtained.

Introduction To Science

Today we see a lot of events happening around us every day.

There has to be a logical explanation for each of them, right? Well, that's what SCIENCE is all about.

Steps of the scientific method

The steps that make up the scientific method, broadly speaking, are five:

  • Observation. The first thing you should do as a researcher is to observe the phenomenon you want to study. To do this, he analyzes the phenomenon as it is found in nature, using his own senses.
  • Induction. From this, the scientist obtains the particular principle of each of the phenomena analyzed. This is known as induction.
  • Hypothesis. The next step is to pose a hypothesis, i.e., a likely proposition that is formulated after data and information collection.
  • Experimentation. It is from this proposition that the scientist directs his scientific research, carrying out as many tests as necessary, in order to prove or refute it.
  • Conclusions After this, an investigation should be presented in which all the previous steps are detailed and where the conclusions reached after the work carried out are expressed.

The observation

It consists of observation, problem statement, data collection, hypothesis formulation, experimentation, results from analysis and dissemination.

The knowledge of nature achieved through the scientific method, as well as the research that makes it possible, is known as pure science (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.).

There are other scientists who work in research aimed at obtaining practical applications of the results obtained by pure science, which constitutes applied science (agriculture, engineering, aeronautics, medicine, etc.).

The classification of science is based on two main groups: formal science and factual or factual science; the first is that which is established in logical reasoning and works with ideal objects, its method of work is a deduction, between it, is logic and mathematics.

The second

The second is that which in his research acts on reality, his method is observation and experimentation, but also deduction. Its main representatives are natural science (physics, chemistry, biology) and social or cultural science (social psychology, sociology, economics, political science).

What is science?

Science is the set of knowledge organized systematically obtained from observation, experimentation, and reasoning within specific areas.

It is through this accumulation of knowledge that hypotheses, questions, schemes, laws, and principles are generated.

Science is governed by certain methods that comprise a series of rules and steps.

Thanks to a rigorous and strict use of these methods, the reasoning derived from the research processes is validated, giving scientific rigor to the conclusions obtained.

That is why the conclusions derived from observation and scientific experimentation are verifiable and objective.

Science branches out in what is known as different fields or areas of knowledge, where different specialists carry out studies and observations, making use of scientific methods, to reach new valid, accurate, irrefutable and objective knowledge.

It is governed mainly by the scientific method for obtaining new knowledge.

Scientific method

As we said, to obtain new knowledge, science uses what is known as the scientific method (enter the link to expand the topic), which involves a series of steps that are necessary to achieve scientific knowledge.

For this, it is necessary to use the appropriate instruments so that the knowledge is valid.

This method, or steps to be followed by the researcher, must always be explained and detailed throughout the investigation so that its recipients know it and can judge the results obtained.

More: Scientific method.

Steps of the scientific method
The steps that make up the scientific method, to large, features are five:


The first thing you should do in a researcher is the observation of the phenomenon you wish to study.

For this, it analyzes this phenomenon, as it is found in nature, using its own senses.


From this, the scientist obtains the particular principle of each of the analyzed phenomena.

This is known under the name of induction.


The next step is to propose a hypothesis, that is, a probable proposition that is formulated after the collection of data and information.


It is from this proposition that the scientist guides his scientific research, carrying out as many tests as necessary, for the Internet to prove or refute it.


After this, an investigation should be presented where all the previous steps are detailed and where the conclusions reached after the work done are expressed.

Types of sciences

Broadly speaking, sciences can be classified as follows:


These sciences, on the other hand, specialize in the study of nature, as they do for example astronomy, geology, biology or physics.


The sciences of this type, however, are oriented to valid forms of inference and have a formal content, not concrete, unlike the empirical sciences. Here are located mathematics and logic.


Includes disciplines oriented to human issues such as culture and society. Here you can include sociology, history, psychology, anthropology or politics, among others. Next, we will expand the concept.

social Sciences

The social sciences include the disciplines that study the cultural and social processes that arise from the life in the society of the human being.

The social sciences study the behavior of man as an individual and as a social being, the functioning of his psyche, his history, his evolution, his development, and his political life.

Within the social sciences, we can find other more specific sciences, such as sociology, history, psychology, anthropology or politics, among others.

Types of sciences

The natural sciences are responsible for studying nature, such as astronomy.

Broadly speaking, the sciences can be classified as follows:

  • Natural sciences. These sciences, on the other hand, specialise in the study of nature, as do, for example, astronomy, geology, biology or physics.
  • Formal sciences. The sciences of this type, on the other hand, are oriented to valid forms of inference and have a formal content, not concrete, unlike the empirical sciences. This is where mathematics and logic come in.
  • Social sciences. It includes human-oriented disciplines such as culture and society. This may include sociology, history, psychology, anthropology or politics, among others. Next, we'll expand the concept.

Social sciences include disciplines that study the cultural and social processes that flow from the life in society of the human being. The social sciences study the behaviour of man as an individual and as a social being, the functioning of his psyche, his history, his evolution, his development and his political life.

Within the social sciences we can find other more specific sciences, such as sociology, history, psychology, anthropology or politics, among others.

What is Science?

Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work.

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